Discipline-Team Leaders’ Summing-Up Meeting
At 7.35 A.M. on the morning of 19th January, 2016, at the assembly room on the 2nd floor of the administration building, Junior High Division of the east campus convened the discipline-team leaders’ summing-up meeting to proceed the semester summary. This meeting was chaired by Principal Assistant& Junior High Section Director Mr. Ling Qian.
Before the conference, Principal Assistant Ling required that all headteachers of Teaching& Research Group should lay emphasis on work reflection, existing issues as well as settlements of difficulities. During the conference, all discipline-group leaders conducted relevant reports on request.
To sum up, Principal Assistant Ling made concluding remarks. On the one hand, he affirmed all discipline-team leaders’ industrious work and put forward some improvement measures on further teaching& research activities. On the other hand, he pointed out that teaching& research section was supposed to centre on the following aspects. First of all, the atmosphere in this group should be harmonious with united, straight-out team members who show positive participation to fulfill corresponding division’s work in time. Second of all, we shall construct learning atmosphere to encourage mutual learning& independent study and strengthen self-reading demonstration exchange. Third of all, the forms of demonstration lessons are supposed to be more diversified. Fourth of all, we should implement various activities. Furthermore, Principal Assistant Ling referred to measures on young teachers’ professional development next semester.
Overall, Junior High Divison Deputy Director Hu Sen arranged specific job requirements on submitting& handing in materials.